Photographer by Arlene

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Photography by Arlene Freelance Professional to "Capture Your Special Moments" toll free: 800-351-0151

Baby Chana

Baby Chana
Welcome to Chabad Rancho Mirage Community

Welcome "Baby Chana"

Arlene and "Angel Eyes"

Arlene and "Angel Eyes"
Beautiful day in Calabasas to visit Grandson, Nathan Eli!

Art Hall @ 1st Gallery

Art Hall @ 1st Gallery
BEST FRAMER in Palm Springs area1

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mommy & Children in Palos Verdes Cafe

1 comment:

  1. Visiting Palos Verdes, CA my hometown in the 1960's...I couldn't resist taking photographs of these "Adorable Children" and their
    "Lovely Mommy at the Local Cafe'!
    Photography by Arlene
    "Children Photographer of the World"
